A newsletter from Stowe Elementary School

PO Box 760, 254 Park Street, Stowe, VT 05672 USA
P: 802­.253.­4154 F: 802.­253.­6915 W: www.stoweschoolsvt.com

Monday, February 6, 2017

Special Message - SHS Principal Search

Greetings Stowe Community,

I would like to provide an update on the Stowe High School Principal Search, including an opportunity to meet the two finalists.

I am pleased to share with you that we had 36 applications for SHS Principal. In the first round we interviewed 6 candidates. The committee unanimously agreed on our two finalists.

Each candidate will be on campus for one full day as part of their second round interviews. I encourage you to join us THURSDAY, February 9th, and MONDAY, February 13th, at 8:10a.m. in the auditorium to meet our two finalists. Introductions will be done at this time. I anticipate a relaxed and informal discussion with each candidate. Please RSVP here and submit your questions for consideration too.  We would love to have you attend one session, or both, as you are able.

Our second round interviews include: meet-and-greet with parents, school tour, student leadership round table, LSSU tour, SHS Office personnel round table, classroom walkthroughs, and the faculty meeting on the above days.



The SHS Principal Search Committee consists of:

Dan Morrison, SMS Principal, Facilitator

Anne King, SHS Faculty

Jane Lambert, SHS Faculty

John Kennedy, SHS Faculty

Norm Williams, SHS Faculty

Emily Rosenbaum, Parent/Community

John Chudzik, Parent/Community

Kerry Glanz, Parent/Community

Terrie Wehse, Parent/Community