A newsletter from Stowe Elementary School

PO Box 760, 254 Park Street, Stowe, VT 05672 USA
P: 802­.253.­4154 F: 802.­253.­6915 W: www.stoweschoolsvt.com

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Road to Proficiency-based Learning at SES

The Road to Proficiency-based Learning at SES

Have you heard your student(s) talk about goal setting or Personalized Learning Plans and want to know more?

Personalized Learning Plans (PLP’s) are developed by students—typically in collaboration with teachers, counselors, and parents—as a way to help them achieve short and long term learning goals. Cognitive science supports that when students have ownership over their own learning we improve the learning environment and promote positive motivational, social and emotional habits and dispositions toward learning. Personalized learning means using a diverse variety of learning experiences, instructional approaches, and goal-oriented strategies that are intended to address the distinct learning needs of individual students. For more information and research on PLP’s: http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR1365.html
PLP’s in our Schools: Personalized learning, which we know contributes to a higher level of student performance and deeper learning, has always been an integral part of our schools’ missions. Our process is guided by an emphasis on creating students who are Thinkers, Problem Solvers, Effective Communicators, and Personally and Socially Responsible Citizens. As we head down ‘the road to proficiency,' the implementation of Personalized Learning Plans is helping students at Stowe Elementary set personal and academic goals based on their individual interests and needs. We look forward to implementing student-led conferences in March.  

Image result for illustrations of a cup of coffeeTo read more about Personalized Learning Plans grab a coffee and visit